
Adjust and/or dissolve cosmetic injections
Hylenex is a cosmetic injection used to adjust and dissolve previously placed fillers. It can be used to fine-tune, adjust and correct cosmetic injections.

If you’re nervous about getting injections, think of Hylenex as your insurance policy. If you get injections and decide it isn’t for you, they can be dissolved using Hylenex.

If you’ve had injections that didn’t turn out the way you hoped, Hylenex can help with that too.

Why would I ever need Hylenex?

When you work with an experienced injector, you may not need Hylenex.  We use it on occasion to fine-tune an end result but in general, we make sure to get just the right amount in just the right spots so we don’t need it.

If you’ve worked with a less experienced injector, you may end up in a situation where you need to fix or dissolve your injections completely.

If you’ve gotten injections or fillers and felt your injector:

  • Added too much
  • Created an uneven or lumpy area
  • Didn’t add enough in the right places
  • Created the wrong contour
  • Used the wrong type of filler for the area they were treating
Hylenex is used to dissolved cosmetic injections

Or your cosmetic injection created a problem, Hylenex is a great way to rapidly dissolve your filler without having to wait for it to happen naturally.

The best way to avoid NEEDING Hylenex is to work with an experienced injector that knows how to get you the look you want. You should always pick an injector based on their experience and their commitment to continuing education, not on price. The bottom line is if you got injections and something is “off” you don’t have to live with regret while you’re waiting for it to diminish on its own.

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What To Expect

If you worked with Align for your initial injections, we’ll talk about Hylenex any time we need to make adjustments to perfect your look.

If you’re coming to us from another practice, we’ll start with a consultation. We need to have a thorough understanding of your initial procedure and understand what you’re unhappy with.

From there, we can discuss if using Hylenex makes sense. If we move forward with a treatment, you can expect to be in and out in 30 minutes or less. The treatment is pretty straightforward and we can use a topical numbing cream to make it as pain-free as possible. During your treatment, we will inject Hylenex into the area you’d like to address and let it work it’s magic from there.

Answers Our Most Common FAQs

How soon can I get Hylenex after my initial injection?
Don’t panic! If you’ve just got a cosmetic injection and you’re not happy with the results, we recommend you wait about 2 weeks for your injections to settle down so we can see the true end result. At that point, if you’re not happy with your results, then we can come up with a treatment plan using Hylenex to either adjust or fine-tune your results. We can also use it to completely dissolve them if you’ve changed your mind.
Is it painful?
Just like injections, there is an initial pinch however with Hylenex you may experience some stinging after the product is injected.
How does Hylenex work?
When injected into the skin, Hylenex works to quickly break down the Hyaluronic Acid in fillers so your body can absorb it and eliminate it.
How long until I see a change?
The results can be seen almost immediately.
Can I get injections again in the same spot?
Yes! If you wanted to dissolve your cosmetic injection because you weren’t happy with the results but still want to pursue a solution, you can definitely get injections again. We recommend waiting at least two weeks after a Hylenex treatment to allow any swelling or irritation to go away before we do another procedure.
Does Hylenex deplete the natural collagen?
No, Hylenex does not do anything to the natural collagen your body produces.