Chin Filler

Slim, elongate and shape. No surgery required.
Your chin is one of the most prominent features on your face and enhancing it with chin filler can help:
  • Slim
  • Elongate
  • Soften the jaw line and create a more feminine face shape
Using chin filler, Align can help elongate your chin.  Doing this helps balance your facial proportions.  This in turn makes your face appear slimmer.

As we age, some women report their face shape starts to change.  They go from having an oval, feminine face to more of a square, box-shaped face.  Align can use chin filler to help re-shape your face and return it to a more feminine oval shape.

Lastly, for clients with a chin dimple, we can use chin filler to remove it.

Chin filler is an amazing non-surgical solution that can be used to accomplish many objectives on the face.

Before and after chin filler at Align

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Before and after chin filler

Syringes Needed

Most women require 2 to 4 syringes to see results (men require double the amount of product).

The most common amount we use at Align is about 3 to 3 ½ syringes in women patients.

During your consultation, we’ll evaluate your chin, talk about your goals and be able to give you a more specific estimate.

Answers Our Most Common FAQs

Is there downtime after getting chin filler?
There is generally no downtime after chin filler.  Most clients return to business as usual that day we just advise you to hold off on any rigorous workouts/activities for a few days.  That said, some patients do bruise while others don’t.  We have no way of knowing whether or not you’ll bruise but it’s just something to keep in mind going into the procedure. The good thing about bruising in this area is that it is not very noticeable and can easily be covered with makeup.
Is chin filler painful?
We try to make every treatment at Align as pain free as possible by utilizing several advanced numbing techniques.  Chin filler is no different. Patients report little to no pain during the procedure and patients also report being a little sore the next day but it’s usually nothing extreme.
How long does chin filler last?
On average, chin filler lasts anywhere from 1-1.5 years (everyone metabolizes the filler product at different rates), and we recommend you get a ‘touch up’ annually if you want to maintain your results.
Do men get chin filler?
Yes! Both women and men can benefit from cosmetic injections like chin filler.  Men typically have different goals and reasons for wanting chin filler than women, but we work with both to get them the results they want. Also, due to men having larger facial muscles and structures, they do tend to require double the filler product when compared to women.
How much does chin filler cost?
The cost of injections is always dependent on how many syringes of product you need since the majority of what you are paying for is filler product from the manufacturer.  The same is true with chin filler.  If you’d like a solid cost, the best thing to do is schedule a consultation so we can properly assess your face and discuss your goals.  During your consultation, we’ll go over what you’d like to achieve and our Nurse Practitioner can give you a more specific cost.  You are under no obligation to get the procedure just because you came in for a consultation.  You can opt to get your injections the day of your consult, you can schedule to come back another day or, you can opt to think about it.