Agnes RF: Agnes RF is an FDA-approved medical device/machine. This device can be used to permanently melt areas of fat on the face. Examples of these areas include; eyebags, cheek fat, jowls, double-chin, and jawline. The results are permanent and the procedures are painless (due to being numbed prior to the treatment). Agnes procedures are performed by our nurse practitioner and our patients are always satisfied with their results.

Treatments Needed: The number of treatments that are needed vary depending on which area of the face is being treated, the volume of fat that is present, and the way each individual’s body responds to the treatment. The following explanation is based on what we see in our clinic ‘on average’ when treating Agnes RF patients;

Eye-bags: (1 to 3 treatments). I would say that the large majority of our patients can get away with 1 Agnes RF treatment when it comes to the eye bag area. However, we have had a few SEVERE cases—meaning very large eyebags, and these individuals have done 3 treatments. These patients were able to see some results after just 1 treatment, but they wanted to get even better results with the additional treatments (spaced 3-4 months apart). The patients that typically can get away with 1 Agnes treatment have mild to moderate undereye bags and respond very well to the single treatment. And the results are jaw-dropping! When it is all said and done, each individual comes out looking very youthful, rejuvenated, and refreshed.

Double-Chin: The double-chin area typically requires 2-3 treatments (depending on how much fat is present to begin with).

Jowls, Cheek Fat, & Jawline Tightening: These areas typically require 2-3 treatments on average.

Swelling & Bruising Post-Procedure: The amount of swelling and bruising post-treatment varies per individual. Most people get a little bit of superficial bruising that goes away in a day or a few days. The swelling is different for each area;

Eye-bag swelling: The eyes typically will have some swelling for 1-2 weeks (with the first few days being the most prominent). A lot of our patients will wear glasses while they are swollen so that it is less noticeable to others.

Jowls swelling: Swelling typically is anywhere from 1-3 weeks depending on the person.

Double-Chin swelling: The double-chin area swelling typically lasts longer than all of the other areas due to gravity always pulling down on the double-chin area. Double-chin area can last anywhere from 3-6 weeks, with the first week being the most prominent. Many of our patients will use a scarf to cover up the swelling and/or if they are required to wear a mask at work, they will buy a ‘gator’ to hide their double-chin swelling. A gator hangs around an individual’s neck until it is ready to be used as a ‘face mask’ and the person will pull it up over their face, hiding the double-chin swelling.

If you would like to learn more about Agnes RF, give us a call to book your consultation with our nurse practitioner who performs all of our procedures!

If you would like to learn more on Agnes RF for eyebags specifically, read our blog post on Agnes RF for eyebags

Xoxo, Align